Finally We Are Getting Hitched

Thinesh & Purenny

Save The Date

14th February 2022

Wedding Dinner
20th March 2022

Our Story

Ours is a Never Ending ♥ Love ♥ Story


Being your husband is like a badge of honor I’m proudly carrying around. There is no greater accomplishment!!


You are the one who pushes me up whenever I am down. Thank you for helping me do things that I thought couldn’t. Loving you is the best thing that has happened to me

Better To Have Loved And Lost, Than To Have Never Loved

Robert Patterson

Event Attractions

Limited Seats

Due to the current pandemic situation, there will be limited seats available for our occasion

Parking Area

We ensure you, that there will be more than enough parking for everyone.

Dress Code

We would definitely love if you could wear something to match our dinner theme (flora)


People believed that saying "God bless you," or "bless you" for short, would make the soul go back inside. Please do bless us for a long Healthy and Wealthy, Loveable Life Journey.


As you know, mask and social distancing are the most important factor of all during these times. Please do not forget these two as you celebrate our occasion.

Food & Drinks

We surely will not send you home with empty stomach!!

When & Where

We love to see you soon

Wedding Dinner

